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Interview with Mr C.J. Lee, CEO & President of Laseroptek

Interview with Mr C.J. Lee, CEO & President of Laseroptek


Asian skin can range from 2 to 5 on the Fitzpatrick scale, and treating it with laser can be a tricky matter. Although commonly used to remove unwanted pigmentation and rejuvenating the skin, nanosecond lasers emit heat which can cause side effects such as post-inflammatory hypo- or hyperpigmentation, and even scarring, especially on darker skin tones.

The introduction of picosecond lasers in the world of medical aesthetics is a game-changer, due to their considerably shorter pulse duration compared to that of nanosecond lasers. The pulses produced by picosecond lasers produce a photoacoustic impact that is so fast and powerful that it acts like a shockwave on the skin, shattering pigment more effectively than nanosecond lasers and with considerably fewer side effects and damage to the skin. This makes picosecond lasers safer to use on darker skins compared to nanosecond lasers.

LaserOptek takes the picosecond laser technology a step further with the PicoLO, the next generation picosecond Nd:YAG laser device, which offers wavelengths of 1064nm and 532nm.

“PicoLO provides the highest level of stability in both energy output and pulse duration in the market, which are key in delivering optimal results with picosecond lasers. The high level of stability means that the Laser Induced Optical Breakdown (LIOB) can be induced even at low fluence, or optimal energy delivered per unit area. This means that the energy enters and leaves the skin more quickly than other picosecond lasers, minimising side effects, pain and damage to the skin,” explains Mr Chang Jin Lee, CEO of LASEROPTEK, the manufacturer of PicoLO.

The other important factor that differentiates PicoLO from other picosecond lasers is its hand piece. It comes with a collimator which provides the largest variable spot size on the market, ranging from 2mm to 20mm. The larger the spot size, the shorter the treatment time, and the fewer the number of sessions required.

He adds, “I am optimistic about the potential of PicoLO in Asia. Compared to lasers which are conceptualised and made in Europe, our PicoLO system is conceptualised and made in Asia for Asian skin. We are looking to strengthen our credibility by conducting clinical trials comparing PicoLO to other picosecond lasers and when in combination with other treatments. We are also looking at helping doctors by generating awareness of the PicoLO among potential consumers across Asia.”

